Last Quarter Moon and its Spiritual Meaning

Those interested in the moon and its mysterious spiritual influences often pay attention to the New Moon and the Full Moon. While these are important astrological phases they are not the only ones that have a bearing on our mental and emotional states.

From the times of our ancient ancestors to the contemporary world of global communication, the moon has hovered in the sky and moved through its cycles like clockwork. As humans learn more about the science of the cosmos, the moon's influence on our moods starts to make more sense.

In this article we look at a phase of the moon that is relatively neglected but no less significant – that is the Last Quarter Moon or Third Quarter Moon which occurs around the end of the month. If you want to know this moon phase and what it means for your spirituality, read on to discover more.

The Last Quarter Moon Phase

When you look up at the moon in the sky and you only see the bottom half of it, it is known as the Last Quarter Moon or Third Quarter Moon, which occurs around one week after a full moon. During a Last Quarter moon, it appears to be half-lit; but the other side of it is also lit, that is the part we can't see from earth.

It can be tough to get your head around the phases of the moon so here's a quick overview. The earth orbits the sun and the moon orbits the earth. When the sun shines on earth it creates day but as the earth moves around the sun, day becomes night. Like the earth the moon doesn't produce light, it is illuminated by the sun.

The Last Quarter Moon arrives one week after a full moon when the sun illuminates the face of the moon directly. But as the moon moves around the earth it becomes less visible as the sun only partially illuminates it. The Last Quarter Moon is perfect for understanding the location and effect of the sun.

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What the science says about The Last Quarter phase

When we see the moon from earth we are looking at sunlight reflecting off the grey-white rocky surface of the moon. The amount of moon we can see changes over the month because of "Lunar Phases" which describes the visibility of the moon at different points in the orbital pathways of the sun, earth and moon.

It's not surprising that the moon's mysterious appearance and movement has inspired humans throughout the ages to ponder its meaning and create myths and stories. Indeed, from an astrological perspective the moon has a tangible effect on our moods and life experiences – you only have to think about the word "lunatic".

But there is also some scientific evidence to suggest that the moon has a tangible impact on earth creatures and processes – the tides are one good example. The moon's gravity draws the ocean upwards and creates high or low tides depending on its phase. Since humans contain 60% water it follows that the moon might affect us as well.

The spiritual meaning of The Last Quarter Moon

Traditionally, in astrology, the Last Quarter moon is a period of activation and responsibility. It is represented symbolically by the qualities of intuition, understanding, and letting go. During the New Moon, new intentions are set and new beginnings instigated, these could be in any area of your life from your personal wellbeing to your relationships or your career. Things have progressed by the time the Last Quarter Moon arrives.

Almost a full month after the New Moon you will encounter the Last Quarter which spiritually represents transition, completion, and letting go. The letting go aspect of this phase is particularly significant because it forms part of the connected cycle that begins with the New Moon. At this time you will notice full or partial shifts in your process. At this point in the cycle you have reflected extensively on activities begun in the New Phase and it's time to take responsibility for mistakes and accomplishments, to let go and to move forward.

The Last Quarter pages of the New Moon cycle is linked to the Instinctive Body which is part of the Crescent Phase. This relates to your body's sensorium – your sense of taste, smell, and touch. Intuition and sensory responses are also relevant for spiritual shifts at this time. Use manifesting techniques like massage and aromatherapy to help.

Traditionally, in astrology, the Last Quarter moon is a period of activation and responsibility. It is represented symbolically by the qualities of intuition, understanding, and letting go. During the New Moon, new intentions are set and new beginnings instigated, these could be in any area of your life from your personal wellbeing to your relationships or your career. Things have progressed by the time the Last Quarter Moon arrives.

Born on the last quarter moon

If you think about the moon's phases then the Last Quarter occurs halfway between a New Moon and a Full Moon. It is the opposite of the First Quarter Moon. At this time people are said to have high levels of intuition and understanding which can affect someone's personality if they are born at this time.

If you are born under the Last Quarter Moon you will have the gift or deep understanding, intuition and truth. This will be both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand you will have deep insights into life and the nature or reality meaning you easily see through mainstream opinions and ideas. On the other hand, it will be challenging for you to acknowledge your truth perceptions in the world.

Personality types of people born under the Last Quarter are authentic and truthful, but they also struggle with fear, especially the opinions of others. Bringing awareness to these aspects of your personality can help alleviate your troubles and you will find that you care less as you grow older.

If you are born under the Last Quarter Moon you will have the gift or deep understanding, intuition and truth. This will be both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand you will have deep insights into life and the nature or reality meaning you easily see through mainstream opinions and ideas. On the other hand, it will be challenging for you to acknowledge your truth perceptions in the world.

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